Indian Restaurant | Lotus Cuisine of India | San Rafael, Marin County

Lotus Family Supports Marin Organic

Lotus Cuisine of India - Marin Organic - Logos and texts.

The Lotus Family of Restaurants and Stores has been committed to serving delicious, healthy food and doing what we can for the environment too! We have prepared our Indian delicacies with organic and non-GMO ingredients for many years.

We support many environmental organizations, including the local nonprofit Marin Organic. Their beliefs align with ours:

“Promote the ecological, social, and economic importance of organic, sustainable, and regenerative agriculture throughout Marin County and beyond. – Marin Organic

Who is Marin Organic

Based in Point Reyes Station, Marin Organic was established in 1999 with a mission to support small farmers in Marin County. They collaborate with the government, community, farmers, and ranchers to promote sustainable, organic farming practices.


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